Erra, Diamond Construct, The Gloom In The Corner, Diesect. The Brightside. 29/09/2022

Review : JD Garrahy

Mid week gigs. Who doesn’t love them? To break up the monotonous working week with your favourite tunes just makes the life stresses that little bit easier to bear. Tonight is no different. Erra came to tear Thursday night apart, and well, they accomplished it so damn well.

As we saunter into The Brightside on a balmy Brisbane evening, the punters are damn ready to let their collective selves loose. From young metalheads, through to fathers tagging along with their now grown children to enjoy their music, they’re all here. Kicking things into gear is Diesect and what a sound these lads bring. Ripping straight into some brutal Aussie metal, these guys take no prisoners. Fucking epic

I’m Gonna be straight up here, I had never heard of The Gloom In The Corner before tonight, but damned if i’m not a fan of these guys now. A melding of heavy drop tuned guitars, brutal lyrics and insanely groove inducing drum and bass work, sets these guys apart from so many clones in the industry, refreshing to see and i can’t wait until i can see these guys live once more.

Diamond Construct seemed to have amassed a massive local following and it’s easy to see why. These guys are fuckin insane when they take the stage. Whipping the crowd up with their unique sound, its not long before the entire crowd is tightly packed and sweating their arses off. My advice is if you see Diamond Construct on a bill, get tickets and prepare for a fucking good night.

We were all spoiled last week when we got to witness Erra rip The Triffid apart and less than a week later, it’s The Brightside‘s turn. Launching full tilt into ‘Gungrave’ and hitting every note and beat with laser precision, the 5 piece from Birmingham, Alabama came to crush their sold out tours, and crush they did. With a setlist heavy on old and new, when we reach the halfway point and we get a triple hitter of ‘Divisionary’, ‘Pull From The Ghost’ and ‘Nigh To Silence’, the crowd is at absolute sardine-like proportions.

As frontman JT asks for a circle pit, the crowd really opens up the pit and with tracks ‘Breach’, ‘Skyline’ and ‘Snowblood’ closing out the set, said circle pit looks pretty fucking amazing from the top of the Brightside staircase. As the band departs the stage, the chants of “One more song” ensue. This crowd is literally screaming for more. Gracing the stage once more, Erra takes us back to 2013 with an encore of ‘Hybrid Earth’. What a way to finish. Bravo lads

As we depart into the now cool night air, we’re all left with a good hearty filling of metal to keep us satisfied for quite some time. Come back down under any time boys, Australia loves you